Women’s Revolutionary Law

From the First Declaration from the Lacandon Jungle, the Zapatistas (also known as the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) presented to the people of Mexico, the neo-liberal government, and the people of the world their Revolutionary Laws on January 1, 1994.

One of the laws was the Women’s Revolutionary Law,[ which states:

  1. Women, regardless of their race, creed, color or political affiliation, have the right to participate in the revolutionary struggle in any way that their desire and capacity determine.
  2. Women have the right to work and receive a fair salary.
  3. Women have the right to decide the number of children they have and care for.
  4. Women have the right to participate in the matters of the community and hold office if they are free and democratically elected.
  5. Women and their children have the right to Primary Attention in their health and nutrition.
  6. Women have the right to an education.
  7. Women have the right to choose their partner and are not obliged to enter into marriage.
  8. Women have the right to be free of violence from both relatives and strangers.
  9. Women will be able to occupy positions of leadership in the organization and hold military ranks in the revolutionary armed forces.
  10. Women will have all the rights and obligations elaborated in the Revolutionary Laws and regulations.