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34 Congresses » 33rd Congress 2002
IAF 33rd Confrence Tel Aviv plaquette English
Prostitution, Pornography and War
Prostitution and pornography in the cinema and in reality
in times of war and political tensions
Since too often reality reaches beyond fiction,
Since violence among individuals grows when violence in society does.
Since we struggle to make the suffering of the sacrificed body audible,
Since the most vulnerable always pay the price of an ever expanding market for the benefit of the strongest only,
Since today`s society is bewildering us with its extremes and excesses: from the extremely poor to the extremely rich, from the best protected to the most vulnerable, from those that enjoy security to the ones who have no shelter nowhere …
Since prostitution bewilders us also by its crossing the limits: Is pornography just a legal form of prostitution? In the name of which paradox prostitutes remain disdained while the pornography industry creates stars?
Since we wish pleasure and desire not to be confused with money and consumerism anymore,
But also since we do not want to denounce without having the courage to see, to think, to analyse and to discuss, we invite to this conference all those who want to construct an intelligent struggle against sexual violence in all its forms, accepted or not, paid or not, whether violence is patent or latent.
We have no doubt: this conference will be difficult for all of us. Because of the subject, because of the pornographic films, and because of the political context. But we have chosen to embrace this issue and we count on the power of our desire to live, to love and to share in order to make these days a springboard of proposals in favour of LIFE!
Come and join us if you can
If not , support us with a financial help !!!
From 2 to 4 Octobre 2002
In the TEL AVIV Cinémathèque
Hours : Wednesday 2nd   : from 15h00 to 21h00
             Thursday 3rd     : from 17h to 01h00
             Friday 4th          : from 11h to 21h30 …
… then dinner with the participants
We will be welcomed by
-          M. Alon GARBOZ – Director of the Tel Aviv Cinémathèque
-          Ms. Limor Livnat – Minister of Education
-          Ms. Zehava Galon – Member of Knesset and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Investigation Committee on the Trafficking in Women  
-          M. Ron Chuldai – Mayor of Tel Aviv – Jaffo
-          Dr Ilana Zigler – Founder of the Israeli Family Planning.
Co-presidents : Ms. Leah Gruenpeter Gold (vice-president of the IAF) and M. Nissan Ben Ami (member of EB IAF), Org. Machon Toda’a.
Projections (among others …)
Shocking Truth - of Alexa Wolf / J’embrasse pas of André Téchiné / Deep throat of George Damiano / Devil in Miss Jones of Alden Shunan / Behind the Green Door of Mitchel Brothers / etc …. La biologie du coup de foudre of Thierry Nolin
Debates, conférences and round tables with (among others…)
-          Danemark : Dorit Otzen – President of the IAF
-          Suède : Alexa Wolf, Film director / Nathan Hammelberg, Dr in communication / Mikko Roth, founder of the Organization for sexually abused men ( SUMP) / Louise Eek, writer and lecturer.
-          France : Martine Costes, vice-president of IAF – Resp ; Metanoya / Malka Markovitz, president of MAPP / Dr Suzanne Kèpes, Founder of the Family Planning, founder of the Department of Human Sexuality in the Paris XIII University /
-          Israël : Pr Menachem Amir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Adv. Walid Zhalka, Jerusalem / Ms. Gila Almagor, actress / Ms. Keren Yedaya, Film Director / Pr. Menachem Horovitz. Hebrew University of Jerusalem /etc…
Debates in Hebrew – Translation in English and French
Due to the context you need to book your plane tickets and your hotel by yourselves but inform the organizers that you are coming :  
-          Plane : Tel Aviv Airport is named Ben Gurion. From there take a taxi (price about US$20) or bus 222 that will bring you near the seafront hotels. From there you need to take a taxi to the city center (about $US 8 for this solution).
-          Hotel : Cinema Hotel, 1 Zamenhoff Street (12 Corner Dizengoff Square ) offers business prices to the participants of the conference. The prices are $US 80 for a double room and of $US 70 for a single room ; including breakfast of course. ( About 80 Euro et 70 Euro).
Reservations : [email protected] or by phone at :+972 3 5207100 or by fax at :+972 3 5207101
-          Infor the organizers of your arrival :
By email to : [email protected]
Or by fax to : + 972 3 6045128
-          The cinémathèque : Tickets of $US 40 for all 3 days of the conference.
-          Dinner offered to all international participants : Friday 4 at 21 h 30.
For any further information,
And to support us financially
please contact :
in Israël : [email protected] or tel : +972 55 442124
in France : Martine Costes – [email protected] or tel : +33-1 43 45 22 73
Organized by
The organization Machon Toda’a (Israel)
And the International Abolitionist Federation (IAF)
Prostitution, Pornography and War
Prostitution and pornography in the cinema, 
and in reality
in times of war and political tensions
2, 3 and 4 Octobre 2002
in the Tel-Aviv Cinematheque
2, Sprintsak Street
in Tel Aviv (Israel)
With the sponsorship of :
The Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
The French Ministry of Social Welfare,
The Municipality of Tel-Aviv Jaffa,
The Tel-Aviv Cinematheque

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IAF 33rd Congress 2002 Agenda
International Conference Prostitution, Pornography, War
Prostitution & Pornography - Cinema and Reality in an era of War and political tensions

All conferences and panels will be translated either to Hebrew or to English

3 October 2002; 15:00 02 :00
15:00 16:00
Welcome address
Opening Speech - Presenting the issues and the goals of the Seminar
Mr. Alon GarbozManager of the Tel-Aviv Cinematheque
Mrs. Limor LivnatMinister of Education
MK Zehava GalonChairperson of the Parliamentary Investigation Committee on the trafficking in women
Ms. Gila Almagor – Chairperson of the Cinematheque and Mmber of Tel Aviv Jafa Municipality
Ms. Michal EdenMember of council of Tel-Aviv Jafa Municipality
Dr. Ilana Zigler Founder and Chair Person of the Israeli Family planning
Nissan Ben Ami & Leah Gruenpeter Gold
Machon Toda`a – Co-Chair Persons of the Seminar
16:00 – 16:30
The status of pornography in Europe - Pornography: Liberation or Oppression
Ms. Dorit Otzen - President of IAF- International Abolitionist Federation, Denmark.
16:30 17:15
Prostitution & War: Identical body Sacrifice
Mr. Martine Costes - Vice President of the IAF, Author of the book Nature, Culture, War & Prostitution
Panel : Sexual Development of children in the Internet and/or Pornography Era
Ms. Hava Barnea – Director of Sexual Education- Ministry of Education
Ms. Hyam Tannous – Responsible for sexual education in the Arab society– Ministry of Education
Dr. Roni Shtarshkal Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Hadassah
Inspector Tamar Medina – Israeli Police Communications Department – Research and Information Management
18:00 – 18:20
18:20 19:20
Film: Deep Throat
Gerard Damiano Productions (1972)
19:20 19:50
Dialogue - The story behind the scenes
The story behind the scenes of Linda Lovelace (the actress in “Deep Throat”)
The Story behind the scenes of Porn Industry and Prostitution
Ms. Linda S. - Founder of   “We are Worthy”
Mr. Mikko Roth - Sweden - Organization For Sexually Abused Men (F.SUMP)
19:50 20:15
20:15 21:45
Panel - Prostitution and Pornography, Freedom of Speech or Respect of human value
Ms. Billy Moskuna Lerman - Journalist
MK  Zehava Galon
MK. Yigal Bibi
Ms. Keren Yedaya - Film maker 
 Prof. Menachem Horovitz Member of the film censorship board in Israel
Adv. Dorit Inbar Head of the council for Cabels and TV broadcast Ministery of Communications
21:45 22:15
Conference - Behind the scenes of porn industry, the connection with Terror organizations and Mafias/ Feminist aspects ( to be decided )
Dr. Vicki Shiran University of Jerusalem, Criminologist, Publicist, Lecturer

Film: Devil in Miss Jones 1972
Gerard Damiano 1972
23:45 00:05
How the Porn Industry drove towards todays Snuff movies (including the influence of pornography in Poland during the 2nd World war and during the atrocities in Kosovo & Bosnia)
Conference Nissan Ben Ami & Leah Gruenpeter Gold
00:25 02:25
 A film that combines Pornography and war or a possibility is Visitor Q


official comunicat of the iaf 33rd conference English Final
Prostitution, Pornography and War
33rd Conference
International Abolitionist Federation
       Tel-Aviv - 3 and 4 October 2002
Research suggests that there is a strong connection between war, prostitution and pornography and during this conference we looked at the evidence in order to understand the root causes, open discussion and lead to action that will eventually prevent human suffering.
In times of war, prostitution and pornography offer the bodies of women and children as a gift to soldiers to entice them to sacrifice their lives for the war. Male culture has glorified death on the battlefield, and men are unaware of the real role that they play in this situation. It is high time that we reveal that prostitution, pornography and war construct a deadly downward spiral. We have chosen to open a public debate.
During the two days of the 33rd IAF Conference we focused on pain, suffering and distress, and the issue of prostitution, pornography and war provoked intense, confused and often contradictory emotions. We came to the conclusion that it would be completely illusory and ineffective to merely prohibit pornography in this Internet era and that other ways of dealing with the issue must be found.
We affirmed that:
 -   Pornography has invaded our everyday life through the media, public relations, etc.
-          Pornography is promoting a rape culture as a model of sexual behaviour
-          Pornography and prostitution are two inseparable sides of the same coin.
We perceived new working directions based on a multidisciplinary approach including psychology, law, medicine, social sciences, and economics…
-          Wherever there is war, conflict, social chaos and poverty, criminal organizations find “human merchandise” to be sold for sexual exploitation.
-          Male culture encourages men to sexually abuse the bodies of women, children and also of other men, unconsciously while remaining unpunished. Women are also being invited to become consumers of prostitution and pornography.
-          The multi-billion dollar “sex industry” does not take into account gender differences or sexuality. It stretches the limits of what we can consume, ever expanding itself in order to get richer.
The word “awareness” was mentioned again and again both by the lecturers and the participants.
To fight pornography and prostitution, we need to talk about human sexuality. How can we tolerate relations based on power (money, violence, mental, physical, emotional and economic abuse) that allow the buying and selling of the human body as a mere commodity in an age where human rights are so firmly on the global agenda? 
Ask for the minutes of the 33rd conference and the program of action of the IAF:
       Machon Toda’a Awareness Center                    International Abolitionnist Federation             FédérationAbolitionniste Internationale
         P.O.Box 22197                                           Gasvaerksvej 24                                               46, rue Claude Decaen
      61221 TEL-AVIV Israël                          1656 COPENHAGEN V Danemark              75012 PARIS France
      Tél : + 972 36 045 128                               Tél : + 33 1 43 45 22 73                                    Tél : + 45 33 23 40 52
      Fax : + 972 36 045 128                               Fax : + 33 1 43 45 27 16                                   Fax : + 45 33 23 40 51
      [email protected]                              [email protected]                                             [email protected]
                                                                         [email protected]                                        [email protected]

IAF 33rd Invitation Hebrew Arabic


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